NCLT Launches The Growth Project

The Growth Project

In this crucial hour for conservation, North County Land Trust has committed to a bold impact agenda to secure the best hope for the future of our region.

Facing the Global Climate Reality

When considering the impacts of global climate change, the consequences can often feel distant. But recently, residents of our region could not ignore them. Summer 2023 was marred by toxic haze, flooding, and record-breaking heat for weeks on end. Global warming, deforestation, and biodiversity loss are growing problems on a local and global scale. They take their toll on the health of forests, drinking water, air, and wildlife, and could worsen without dramatic action. To address these issues, planet-saving work is well underway with determined conservation efforts on a massive scale. Global leaders passed resolutions like the Paris Climate Accord, resolving to prevent climate change above 2° Celsius, as well as the 30×30 Resolution, aiming to protect 30% of land and water by the year 2030. Scientists and conservationists, in turn, are working across the globe to conserve precious natural resources, preserve plant and wildlife species, and ensure the best environmental outcomes for communities everywhere.

Making A Difference

As part of these massive, ongoing efforts to address environmental threats, regional land trusts play a vital role. By protecting local land of high-ecological value, land trusts make their regions more resilient to the effects of climate change. They care for the land with habitat restoration projects and other initiatives that support precious wildlife and vegetation. In addition to their work directly for the land, they provide communities with a safer and healthier place to live. These efforts result in regions becoming more biodiverse, more resilient to climate change, and more prepared to support communities for generations to come.

Here at Home

In north central Massachusetts, the work to protect our region is far from done. Despite broad public support for conservation efforts, human activities continue to jeopardize local forests, wetlands, and climate-resilient landscapes. The forested landscapes of New England are a powerful defender against global climate change, yet Massachusetts loses an average of 65 forested acres a day. North central Massachusetts holds the headwaters for the Nashua, Millers, and Ware rivers, affecting over 600 miles of river downstream. This region supports thousands of native plant and wildlife species, 432 of which are threatened by habitat loss. It is also home to vibrant, diverse, and amazing human communities who are deeply impacted by global environmental threats. Precious and valuable, all of it is at risk without determined, focused conservation efforts here at home.

Our Commitment

North County Land Trust (NCLT) recognizes the vital significance of protecting our region and is eager to rise to the challenge. This commitment, however, demands an ambitious increase in organizational capacity. The NCLT Board of Directors and staff designed a bold, three-year impact agenda to enact essential structural changes, elevating our impact for all 16 communities in our region. Through this plan, NCLT aims to strengthen our position as a resilient and equitable leader in conservation. By focusing on key initiatives, policies, and goals, we will ensure a more sustainable and vibrant future for our home. This is our Growth Project—an unwavering commitment to safeguarding our region’s natural wonders for generations to come. Join us on this journey towards a more sustainable and prosperous future for our region.