Bequests & Planned Giving

Perhaps you choose to live in North Central Massachusetts or spend time here because the land inspires you. Maybe you feel connected to the land through family memories, the local farm where you buy food, a hiking trail, or the view from your favorite mountain peak.

As you think about the past and ponder your vision for the future, you may be considering how you can make a significant difference in conserving what makes North Central Massachusetts so special—its open space, farms, forests and cultural heritage.

What planned giving options are available to me?


A provision in your will or living trust that directs money or property go to North County Land Trust upon your death. Bequests are deductible from your taxable estate and may result in substantial tax savings. Bequests can also be used to place a conservation restriction on your land after your death.

Remainder Interest in Land

When you donate a Remainder Interest in Land to North County Land Trust, you can occupy and enjoy your property during your lifetime and receive income tax benefits, while ensuring that land is transferred to NCLT upon your death.

Charitable Gift Annuity

A gift that involves the transfer of assets to NCLT, at which time we enter into a contract to pay you a fixed annuity for the rest of your life. Annuities provide donors an income tax deduction and regular income payments for life.

Charitable Remainder Trust

A form of an annuity that can provide you with annual income and tax deductions. You may transfer cash or appreciated property into an independent trust and direct the income to one or more beneficiaries. Unlike an annuity, the trust is held and managed by the trustee of your choice.*

Charitable Lead Trust

An option if you have a large taxable estate and wish to pass on a greater inheritance to your children and grandchildren, while also providing NCLT with immediate and sustained support. Typically, a charitable lead trust pays a specified income to NCLT for either a fixed term of years or for your lifetime, while your heirs receive the balance of the trust at the time of your death.

The material presented on this website is not offered as legal or tax advice. The purpose of this webpage is to provide general gift, estate, and financial planning information. For advice or assistance in specific cases, the services of a lawyer, financial planner or other professional advisor should be obtained. 

*North County Land Trust cannot serve as the trustee for split-interest gifts at this time.